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Friends’ lecture 2024: Sarawak Orchid project

The Frank Theatre Tyndall Avenue, BRISTOL, United Kingdom

Simon Pugh-Jones Simon Pugh-Jones has travelled widely across the tropical world and led the Writhlington School Orchid Project in Radstock for 30 years before retiring and setting up his own […]

Winter Garden Tour | February | £12 or Free

University of Bristol Botanic Garden The Holmes, Stoke Park Road, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, United Kingdom

An unusual chance to enjoy the Botanic Garden on a winter weekend. Wintersweet, Chimonanthus praecox, a welcome sight and smell in the Garden in December. A tour of the garden […]

NEW DATE Friends’ lecture 2024: Pathless Forest:The Quest to Save the World’s Largest Flowers

The Frank Theatre Tyndall Avenue, BRISTOL, United Kingdom

CHANGE OF DATE AND LECTURE Please note the AGM and lecture will take place on Wednesday 20th March, rather than the previously advertised date of Thursday 21st March Wednesday 20 March 2024 Annual General Meeting at 7pm followed by the Lecture at 7.30pm The Annual report for the year ending 31 December 2023 will be […]

Friends’ Annual General Meeting

The Frank Theatre Tyndall Avenue, BRISTOL, United Kingdom

The 48th Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday 20 March 2024 at 7pm at the Frank Theatre, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL  followed by a lecture by Dr Chris Thorogood at 7.30pm. The Committee will present the financial report for the year ending 31 December 2023 which is available here. Any queries regarding the accounts should […]

Easter Sculpture Festival

University of Bristol Botanic Garden The Holmes, Stoke Park Road, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, United Kingdom

Trio of blue tits by Jo Whiteland The Easter Sculpture Festival is back once again to unveil nature’s artistry at the botanic garden. As we welcome spring with the blooming trees and vibrant colours of the flowers, immerse yourself in the world of art and nature with the Easter Sculpture Festival that takes place in […]


Four-day workshop: Traditional Botanical Painting

Linnaeus study room University of Bristol Botanic Garden, The Holmes, Stoke Park Road, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, United Kingdom

This four-day course running during April and May over four Sundays will be linked with themed workshops, covering an introduction to the different stages of botanical painting and drawing. Beginners […]


Curator’s tour

University of Bristol Botanic Garden The Holmes, Stoke Park Road, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, United Kingdom

Join Curator, Nick Wray, for a spring tour of the Botanic Garden. In April there are bulbs on the ground and blossom in the trees as the season has winter in the rear view mirror. He will then guide you into the different worlds experienced in the glasshouses where you will find flowering orchids, bromeliads […]

The Guangzhou Garden: official opening

University of Bristol Botanic Garden The Holmes, Stoke Park Road, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, United Kingdom

Join us for the formal opening of the latest addition to the Botanic Garden, The Guangzhou Garden. This exciting new garden first appeared at the Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show in 2021. It was created for Guangzhou Forestry and Parks Municipality, and designed by Peter Chmiel and Chin Chen, from Grant Associates, Bath. The […]

National Garden Scheme (NGS) Open Day

University of Bristol Botanic Garden The Holmes, Stoke Park Road, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, United Kingdom

The National Garden Scheme (NGS) open day returns to the Botanic Garden this year where you can see the Garden in all its summer glory. The NGS has been running since 1927 initially to support district nurses; there are now over 3500 gardens across the country open as part of the scheme which last year raised […]


Flowering plant (Angiosperm) families, or the field Botanist’s mind bungalow

University of Bristol Botanic Garden The Holmes, Stoke Park Road, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, United Kingdom

This is an introduction to the identification of some flowering plant families, including their ecology and uses. We will consider their ecosystem services, the effect of development and land-use change, invasive species, rare and legally protected species, and the use of indicator plants in interpreting change. The workshop is one stand-alone day. It will consider […]


Jazz Concert

University of Bristol Botanic Garden The Holmes, Stoke Park Road, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, United Kingdom

Friends’ annual jazz concert with The Blue notes and Hannah Wedlock   Saturday 27 July 2024 We are again delighted to hold our annual jazz concert with the Blue Notes and Hannah Wedlock with additional entertainment from local ukulele band, South Bristol Ukes. All tickets should be purchased in advance. Bring a picnic and drinks […]

Bee and Pollination Festival

University of Bristol Botanic Garden The Holmes, Stoke Park Road, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, United Kingdom

The Bee and Pollination Festival is back again! Immerse yourself in this fascinating world; beekeepers of Bristol showcase the work of their industrious friends with their annual honey show in […]

Dr Elizabeth Dauncey: Poisonous Plants – and how to live with them

The Frank Lecture Theatre Wills Physics Laboratory, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol, United Kingdom

Dr Elizabeth Dauncey is a freelance botanical toxicologist, having studied botany at the University of Durham before completing a PhD in plant taxonomy at the University of Reading. Over the past 30 years she has worked for organisations including the National Poisons Information Service at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Trust in London and […]

Tipping Point – Luke Jerram

University of Bristol Botanic Garden The Holmes, Stoke Park Road, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, United Kingdom

The Botanic Garden will be ablaze this autumn with Luke Jerram's Tipping Point, a multi-sensory installation of forest fires using lights, sound, and smoke. Visitors will travel through the Garden and among the fires of the Evolution Dell and Mediterranean displays in this new work by Luke Jerram. Tipping Point draws attention to the alarming […]


Sam Hickmott: Lytes Cary Manor, a quintessential family garden

The Frank Lecture Theatre Wills Physics Laboratory, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol, United Kingdom

Sam completed his Royal Horticultural Society Level 3 qualification at the Botanic Garden. He is currently the youngest head gardener in the National Trust, managing gardens across two properties, Lytes Cary Manor and Tintinhull Garden. His focus is on the development of these two gardens, combining fresh planting design with organic management techniques to improve […]

Sally Morgan: The Climate Change Garden

The Frank Lecture Theatre Wills Physics Laboratory, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol, United Kingdom

A botanist by training, Sally is an experienced organic gardener, smallholder and writer. She has long been interested in the way our changing climate is impacting upon our gardens and green spaces. Her articles have appeared in numerous magazines, most recently Amateur Gardening and Bloom. Her latest books include The Resilient Garden and Allotment (2024), […]

Easter Sculpture Festival 2025

University of Bristol Botanic Garden The Holmes, Stoke Park Road, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, United Kingdom

Save the date! More details to follow.