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Friends’ Lecture: Killer plants – the world of carnivorous plants with Steve Nicholls
Thursday 20 March at 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Killer plants – the world of carnivorous plants
Steve Nicholls is an award-winning writer, documentary producer and director. He has been a wildlife filmmaker for 40 years, including with the BBC Natural History Unit, and has travelled to many remote parts of the planet. A lifelong interest in botany and horticulture means that in every case he finds time to make the acquaintance of the local plants. He has also made several films on carnivorous plants which gave him the chance to study these amazing plants in intimate detail.
He has won awards in the prestigious International Garden Photographer of the Year competition. He is the author of ‘Paradise Found: Nature In America at the Time of Discovery’ and ‘Flowers of the Field: A Secret History of Meadow, Moor and Woodland’. He holds a PhD in dragonflies from the University of Bristol and is a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society of London.
This talk will warn you to be careful when you next go into your garden – it’s full of killers! We’re all familiar with carnivorous plants such as the Venus flytrap, sundews and pitcher plants but a surprising number of plants could be classified as carnivorous – including your geraniums and potentillas. On the other hand, many true carnivorous plants have surprisingly good relationships with insects. Once you delve deep enough, nothing in the world of carnivorous plants is quite what it seems.
This lecture will take place after the AGM which starts at 7pm and will last approximately 25 minutes. We will have a short pause to set up the speaker before the lecture which will start at approximately 7.30pm.
Friends Bristol Botanic is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
- Topic: Friends Bristol Botanic’s Zoom Meeting
- Time: Mar 20, 2025 06:30 PM London
- Join Zoom Meeting:
- Meeting ID: 845 8900 2692
- Passcode: 784620
Winter Lectures will take place on the third Thursday of the month at the Frank Theatre, Wills Physics Laboratory, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL. Lectures are free to Friends on production of their membership card and students on production of their student card. Guests who are not members or students will be asked for a donation (suggested £5).
Attendees can use any University car park; the nearest are in University Walk and The Hawthorns – please see map with lecture details.