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Sam Hickmott: Lytes Cary Manor, a quintessential family garden
Thursday 17 October 2024 at 7:30 am to 9:00 pm
Sam completed his Royal Horticultural Society Level 3 qualification at the Botanic Garden. He is currently the youngest head gardener in the National Trust, managing gardens across two properties, Lytes Cary Manor and Tintinhull Garden. His focus is on the development of these two gardens, combining fresh planting design with organic management techniques to improve visitor experience and bring the gardens back to their former glory and beyond.
The talk is focused on the historic context of Lytes Cary Manor as well as the restoration and potential future development of the garden
Lectures will take place on the third Thursday of the month at the Frank Theatre, Wills Physics Laboratory, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL. Lectures are free to Friends on production of their membership card and students on production of their student card. Guests will be asked for a donation (suggested £5).
Attendees can use any University car park; the nearest are in University Walk and The Hawthorns – please see map with lecture details.
Friends Lectures Parking Guide and Map
For those unable to join us in person, most of the lectures will be live-streamed by Zoom. They will not be recorded. A link will be provided nearer the time on the website and on the Friends’ enews.