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Friends’ Lecture February 2025: Nature-based beekeeping with Monica Barlow from Bees for Development
Thursday 20 February at 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Nature-based beekeeping
Many of you will have heard Monica Barlow talk at Bee and Pollination Festivals held every summer at the Botanic Garden. In this talk she will tell us about how the international charity Bees for Development has worked for over thirty years to create nature-friendly and sustainable livelihoods, lifting more people out of poverty and benefitting bees and biodiversity.
Nature-based beekeeping is an approach to keeping bees that combines knowledge of honey bee ecology with local resources and techniques. It enables millions of people to combat poverty and hunger.
Honey bees (Apis spp) have evolved naturally throughout Africa, Europe and Asia. They thrive wherever there are flowering plants and they readily produce surplus honey. For people to harvest this natural bounty they need a knowledge of beekeeping and a low-cost beehive. Communities benefit from good crop pollination and are incentivised to protect the diversity of local forests.
Nature-based beekeeping is currently practised in over 100 countries. In Africa it is the approach which consistently delivers the highest volumes of surplus honey into local markets. It is simple but it requires a good understanding of local context and it requires investment in skills, knowledge and mentoring between practitioners.
Friends Bristol Botanic is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
- Topic: Friends talk Bees for Development
- Time: Feb 20, 2025 07:00 PM London
- Join Zoom Meeting:
- Meeting ID: 865 9906 2910
- Passcode: 450355
Winter Lectures will take place on the third Thursday of the month at the Frank Theatre, Wills Physics Laboratory, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL. Lectures are free to Friends on production of their membership card and students on production of their student card. Guests who are not members or students will be asked for a donation (suggested £5).
Attendees can use any University car park; the nearest are in University Walk and The Hawthorns – please see map with lecture details.
Do I need to buy a ticket in advance to attend this lecture in person – wasn’t sure if just a zoom meeting, but hoping an event that can be attended in person?