Our mission at the University of Bristol Botanic Garden is to educate, communicate and conserve.
We support the Global Strategy on Plant Conservation.
We aim to:
- Provide plants, advice and assistance for teaching and research within the University of Bristol.
- Be accessible to students, educational and scientific organisations and the general public.
- Educate about our dependency on the continued survival of the world’s plant resources.
- Maintain diverse, correctly named and professionally curated living collections of plants.
- Encourage and foster interest in plants within the local community of Bristol.
- Display our collections in an attractive and informative manner.
- Communicate information about our collections through courses, study days, tours, the media and publicity.
- Conserve and display native species of local and national importance.
- Develop and maintain unique plant collections of national and international importance.
- Maintain a living gene bank of threatened species from the South West of England.
We also aim to maintain and enhance the support given to the Garden by the Friends of the Garden and other supporting bodies.
The plant collections at the Botanic Garden are used extensively for undergraduate teaching in the University’s School of Biological Sciences.