Deciduous woodland over limestone is common in the Bristol region. This display forms part of the western side of the Avon Gorge and is known locally as Leigh Woods, recognised as an ancient woodland site with populations of small-leaved lime Tilia cordata and wild service-tree Sorbus torminalis.
Forming part of the Avon Gorge display, but displaying predominantly woodland and shade loving species the rocky outcrop has been planted with smaller growing trees and herbaceous plants. Sorbus porrigentiformis grows horizontally out from the rock illustrating its adaptation to growing in rock ledges and on cliff faces, while Sorbus eminens and Sorbus anglica both endemic to the west of Britain are displayed. Lily-of-the-valley Convallaria majalis, angular solomon’s seal Polygonatum odoratum, spurge-laurel Daphne laureola and southern polypody Polypodium cambricum represent smaller growing species.
Limestone woodland species from other local sites are also represented such as limestone fern Gymonocarpum robertianum.
Hedgerow and woodland habitats are incorporated into the existing ancient woodland that is already present in the garden. This small fragment of ancient woodland of a once much larger deer parkland dates back to Elizabethan times. Further development of this display will see the planting of wild service-tree Sorbus torminalis and the endangered limestone woundwort Stachys alpina as part of woodland edge display.